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Bali, Forever in my heart

Bali, Forever in my heart

Bali, Indonesia. 
 By Cat Dittschlag



LOVING YOU in a different way compared with the guidebooks
…as I stood there at Hong Kong airport wondering where to go next – asking for Universal guidance. Looking up at the board, in that classic movie way, and letting my eyes take me through the flights leaving HK and there it was; Denpasar / Bali / Indonesia.


After 2 days in HK, I was on my way to what I imagined the paradise island of paradise island… And it was – it still is. This was the start of a lifelong love affair - my Bali love…




The original name BALI DWIPA (“Bali Island” seems to have been discovered in inscriptions from 914AD and later became “just” Bali – the land of Gods. And in Sanskrit Bali Dwipa means “the island of sacrifice- reincarnation or offering”.


The land of Gods name must come from the beauty and diversity; its green–lush rainforest – the magic volcano – white beaches – black volcano sand beaches – fairytale hotel settings – surf waves to die for – fresh seafood at the beach and more. However, Bali is not only the beautiful secret beaches, the delicious food, the warm sea etc... Of course, all of this makes the stay even more magical but…

For me it's mainly about the people, they are the true Gods – the smiles and the gratitude for life that all Balinese practice on a daily basis and also about that energy that affects every single one of us when there – whether we acknowledge it or not… Only a stray Cat’s=me, personal view.

No matter where you go, or swooshes past on your scooter (which for me is the ultimate freedom way to move around, as a scooter fits anywhere…) they are just there – THE SMILES. Not the kind that has the purpose of “getting something” from you, like an exchange, no – smiles that are just honest, friendly, and filled with love.

It is like you get infected and after just a couple of days (or hours, rather). I always find myself walking around smiling like a crazy person. If I had done the same at home people would wonder and ask what I am on – what kind of substances are making this face smile so much.

The smiles in Bali must be their best-selling point.


When coming to Bali as a westerner it’s clear that we are seen as queens (or kings) as our pennies from home can buy us the life of a queen or king whilst being on the island. Do we acknowledge what an amazing life we live or how lucky we are? No, in general, my very personal view is that we don’t.

In Bali they for sure do and this is so beautiful and for sure on my top list of “why I love Bali so much”. So, in daily life – what does this mean? It's not about the words like saying “terima kasih”, thank you in Bahasa, or even more loving “suksma”, thank you in Balinese, it’s about showing gratitude in your daily life in your daily actions. For example, a normal family spends ¼ of their income on daily offerings to the Gods, to give thanks for the life they have been given. No matter how little they have, they all, always pay gratitude. Small woven baskets made of straw with beautiful colourful flowers, food, and an incense stick, are placed everywhere around you. The incense is always lit so even at home, away from Bali, this smell reminds me to stay grateful and takes me back. These small offerings are their THANK YOU´s to the Gods and their hope for blessings, and good luck for your family, neighbours, home, and business. And these small gestures influence you for sure… Gratitude!


The colour green has never been as green as in Bali. I don’t know how this works. Can green be more than green? The answer is yes, green can be Bali-green. It's breathtaking – the rice fields; the terraces; the grass; leaves that are the size of my umbrella at home – all incredible sights. The best way to experience this, in my very personal view, is on your scooter which allows you to go everywhere. The small walkways between the fields, the little gap in the rainforest that takes you down to a hidden beach… And also, let’s not forget that the scooter is the best way to avoid the “rush-hour” traffic – the roads aren’t always the best, so the freedom of a scooter is priceless.


This is one of the “things” that “I can't put my finger on” - there is something very special, unexplainably special in fact, about the vibes on this island. Well, there are a lot of cool people here to vibe with… But Mother Earth has also placed some very high energy ley lines, like energy streams, running through Bali. The electromagnetic charge is high and first draws the worst out of you and then brings the best out of you. Sounds strange but it's true… My first 5 days were a nightmare marathon and I seriously questioned Bali as “paradise”. I later learned that this is very common the first few days – phew! These ley lines pass through the island at several different sacred sites such as the beautiful Uluwatu Temple, Mount Batur - the active volcano, Mount Agung - the highest point on the island, and my favourite sacred spot; Tirta Empul – the water temple with the holy springs - the water bubbles up from the centre of the earth. Hard to describe and needs to be experienced!

Just let this flow of amazing energy embrace you – like a big hug…


…is a very non-fancy one. This small island is full of fancy 5 stars in the rainforest with infinity pools in a lush jungle environment or directly at the beach and of course; all of this is amazing. …but it also offers the opposite and everything in between and no matter what you do (well, avoid EVERYTHING in Kuta – strongly recommend this – if it’s binge drinking parties that you wish for you can as well go to Magaluf/Majorca – no need to head all the way to Indonesia ) or where you go – you will have an amazing time.


On my first ever visit I found a hotel in my Lonely Planet book, a badly printed copy from a back street in Hong Kong, and upon arrival told the very friendly smiling taxi driver to go there when I arrived at midnight.   I got there - it was full…. I tried hotels no 2, no 3, and no 4 with the same result and finally, hotel number 5 had a room. Thank God I choose a luxury room for €30/night. Let's not go there but it wasn’t the best hotel I have stayed at… Having a small stream floating through my bedroom after the sky opened up during the night, was not the nicest but let's say; flip-flops float like surfboards.


The next day I was determined to get a room in the hotel first hotel I came to the evening before; THE GRAND KUMALA. Well, it's actually only called the Kumala Hotel however, it was the first “boutique” hotel in the area when it was built a long time ago and therefore goes under the name of the GRAND Kumala. I walked back, stubborn as a mule, and said that I wanted a room for 1 week. Of course, there were rooms - no problems at all… That is how I learned that when the Balinese are tired and don’t really want to do anything but sleep, they simply say that “the hotel is full” LOL – a good one to know.


This hotel, for about €20 per night pp, is no longer grand and has for sure seen its best days but still a favourite. The small traditional Balinese bungalows are not the fanciest however comfy and functional, the chrome on the taps in the bathrooms is long gone but I love the place. For fancy travellers, there is a new part in the back but I like hanging out with the surfers & hippies, so the front bungalows are my thing… And still now, many years later I keep on going back – at least for a few days.


This place showed me BALI LOVE and an endless shower of smiles on my first-ever visit and our love affair is eternal. I have even asked if they want to sell it to me. The answer was no…


So, go to Bali – JUST GO – go with the flow - don’t plan too much - follow the smiles and smile back, meet strangers that become forever friends, pay gratitude, be humble, have massages every day, eat yummy food from the small local places and open up for the magic!   Talk to the locals – find your favourite spots – find your silent hideaway – for sure rent a scooter - float around and JUST BE… Bali will for sure show you the way…


…and if you are stopped by a Balinese who wonders where you are going; don’t worry – they are not about to mug you – they are just interested in knowing where you are going… and often also why.


Suksma Bali - forever in my heart.

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